This method allows bubbling up the values of the children when they change, for some type of nodes, we want to skip to the next parent because the node is an abstraction ei: the polymorphic and list nodes have values that represent their list of selected variants instead of the value of their children so they will just pass up the value to the next node above them. even though the method is public, it's an internal function.
Cached list of all the children key names
List of nodes with their names as a key
True if the node is a polymorphic node Polymorphic nodes select their variant(s) to display The selection name is held in the value attribue
Indicates if this node's value is mandatory'
Converted schema received from the backend
Usefull for react key since it aims to be unique right now there is an issue with list items where removing an item from a list would result with the next element taking over the removed item's id and causing React's key to be the same.
a copy of the node that will not mutate the original one prefix is used to namespace the path used to store the node note: the node still shared the same context so they can refer to each other though SchemaNode.getNodeByPath
Returns the node that was used to create this one through the
SchemaNode.clone method.
In order to make it possible, the cloned node have
to be cloned with the keepContext
set to true
the sharedContext will not be the same.
Tells if the current node is a node that was created using the SchemaNode.clone method.
Usefull to compare when a node that was cloned is modified some example where that could be usefull is when a cloned node manages a temporary value that is not stored in the server.
In order to make it possible, the cloned node have
to be cloned with the keepContext
set to true
the sharedContext will not be the same.
This method allows bubbling up the values of the children when they change, for some type of nodes, we want to skip to the next parent because the node is an abstraction ei: the polymorphic and list nodes have values that represent their list of selected variants instead of the value of their children so they will just pass up the value to the next node above them. even though the method is public, it's an internal function.
Unregister the node from the context this is usefull when adding programmatically a node that is not part of the schema. A good example is the SchemaNode.clone method: It's a good practice to clean the cloned node when it's not used anymore
this is the main method used to update the list of errors for a given node. They get "cleanned" when the fields becomes dirty again as default behavior. there are a few preset of functions that automaticaly calls this method when configured in DeclarativeFormContext.validators
Function Returned function unsuscribes the listener
Function Returned function unsuscribes the listener
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this represent a highly interactable node of a form schema that is observable with useNode in order to notify React that attributes have been mutated.