zeachco@gmail.com +1 438-630-0430 Github/zeachco LinkedIn/zeachco

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What kind of engineer am I

I am a JavaScript/Node.js developer with expertise in code quality, and technical debt management. Instead of throwing in a few hundred buzzwords, I invite you to find the specific skills you require from my skill page here. These skills help me deal with the constant evolution of technologies.

A little bit about me

I wear many hats but identify primarily as a developer. Over the past 18 years, I have specialized in JavaScript, working on a variety of projects including payment platforms, analytics dashboards, video games, 3D showcases, VR, complex server farms (with Node.js), middlewares and reverse proxies, command-line interface tools, deployment servers, test frameworks, and domain registrar systems.

I am passionate about technological advancements, the Unix environment, Git, web stacks, and what I like to call "software philosophy." Over the years, I have slowly drifted towards the architectural portion of my work and team management, but I always come back to writing code.

I have spent around 13 years building and experimenting with small businesses and startup structures, building my own company, and reinventing my products. Sadly, I am not a good salesperson, but the process of learning and bringing various complex projects to life month after month was so exciting that I couldn't stop.


With my fluency in English and French, as well as some proficiency in Spanish, Portuguese, and German, I am confident in my ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients from diverse backgrounds.

As a passionate and experienced software developer, I have cultivated a strong interest in open source communities and have contributed to various projects on platforms such as GitHub. I am also well-versed in Linux, JavaScript, and Git.

Furthermore, I am inspired by companies such as Netflix for their infrastructure, AirBnB, Stripe, and Shopify for their contributions to open source, and Walmart, Netflix, Dominos and Microsoft for being NodeJs pioneers. I am particularly drawn to the way these companies have been able to innovate and push boundaries in the tech industry.

Fun projects, all the time!

An example of a fun project I've made is Highway, an in-browser machine learning trainer that trains 2D cars to drive on a highway. Be aware that the first iterations are CPU-intensive, but the AI should learn to drive in less than 15 minutes.

Disclaimer: This project works better on small resolutions since rendering the multiple layers of neural networks takes a tool on retina displays and wide screens.

There's also Yenom!
I started this side project as a hobby to work more with Deno, Svelte and Typescript. I built a Financial tracker that I use daily to track my expenses and income. I did everything from project management, dev ops, databases, client and server work. While testing a scale to 200+ users I switched back to node and react to reduce the amount of side-quests and actually develop the features and monetization plan. I managed to reduce the total cost of running all the services to less than 1$ per month and that includes calls to openai.com for the AI features that act as financial counselor. Considering Yew from Rust for the next iteration if I decide to build my own AI models locally to safe on costs. I love having to test all roles in this project as if I was part of a larger team but I'm really just a one man company that switches hat depending on what needs to be done today

Also, when I see a gap on the internet and a matching need, I usually take a few minutes to extract that need into a package for my use-case and try to make it accessible with minimal effort. real-mime-type is an example. When I manage to do it in a way that is abstracted from the business case but still applies 100%, that drives me into pushing that concept further and improving on it on my personal time afterward, profiting the company, myself and open-source consumers.


Personality-wise, I love snowboarding, electronic music, dancing, computer games, general learning, and innovation. I am also an early adopter when it comes to technological gadgets and lifestyle.

If you're curious check out my Github profile. I also produce music and games on the side. I am also a big fan of Open Source and have contributed to many projects over the years.